The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has upended our lives, personal and professional. And, for our generation, this global health crisis might be the first of its kind. Governments across the world are struggling to contain its spread. The lockdowns, job losses, closures, and uncertainties have created an unprecedented atmosphere of fear and anxiety. It is definitely not a happy time.
However, this pandemic has taught us better. In these troubled times, people have risen up to the challenge, coming together as communities to help out a needy neighbor and an unknown stranger alike. There is an outpouring of support in the form of individual acts of kindness as well as large-scale efforts. Everywhere people are considering how they could possibly help. And, they have all restored our faith in humanity!
Delivering hope to the hopeless
The shutting down of businesses due to quarantine directives has destroyed livelihoods, worldwide. Daily wagers and hourly workers are among the worst hit. But what has really brought us up short are the initiatives taken by business houses, brands, and commoners to ensure people do not go hungry.
People have been leaving food packets on needy neighbour’s porches. Local restaurants and eateries are doing likewise, offering free food or reduced-price meals to the poor. This is a big step by local businesses, who themselves might be struggling to keep their businesses afloat. Bigger establishments are sponsoring local businesses so that they can continue to keep their shutters open. States have implemented schemes to ensure that students who depended on lunch programs continue to receive a daily meal.
People have gone above and beyond in this time of need to offer some respite by forbearing rents. In several places, apartment owners are offering free lodging to students rendered homeless, after being forced to vacate hostels due to university shutdowns. Establishments and celebrities are reaching out to communities by way of generous donations to NGOs or by sponsoring the needy. Not just this, governments are also doing their bit, delivering financial assistant packages to ensure the well-being of their people.
Brands are looking for ways to give back to society by creating relief funds and starting campaigns on fundraising platforms and by way of texts, emails and word-of-mouth. There have been instances, where customers have left tips at restaurants, larger than their bills, running into thousands so that hourly workers can be paid. Despite money being tight, customers are contributing to their wages. People are donating portions of their salaries to help others in need.
And where monetary support is not possible, community members are looking out for each other by offering services. For instance, students have volunteered to babysit children for parents that cannot work from home or those who do not have paid sick leave. People have really come forward to provide resources to those who need it.

Reaching out to the weak and elderly
The old and sick have been rendered helpless due to Covid-19. Their weaker immune systems put them at a higher risk when stepping out. Not just that, the long queues at stores, with people panic shopping, make it difficult for the elderly to get their essential supplies. There are dozens of stories of the youth and the young-at-heart lending a hand to the sick, old and homebound, completing small errands for them whether it’s picking the groceries or making a trip to the pharmacy.
Supporting our frontliners
Business houses and brands are also stepping up their efforts to support our front liners. Their donations of medical supplies, safety gear, and equipment ensure that the shortage of these does not impede the fight against Covid-19.
Doctors, nurses, hospital administrators and other support staff have been working round-the-clock to control the outbreak. Forced to stay at the hospital for longer hours as the virus-affected count increases, they have been able to do so because there are several others volunteering their time to help them whether it is providing childcare, pet care or home care.

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Being positive and spreading positivity
As people grapple with the stresses and uncertainties of the pandemic, there are many out there helping others positively. They post videos to social media pages, send across positive reinforcements, and offer to counsel to a vulnerable friend. They are also out there trying to dispel myths and fake news surrounding the pandemic. Despite the social distancing, they are making every effort to keep the community bonds strong.
Warding off future pandemics
When the dust finally settles, we’re definitely going to be different people. We will learn to appreciate life as it comes. Hopefully, we will find ourselves better prepared to weather a pandemic, as deadly as the Covid-19, or better still make its possibility less likely.
On a final note, we all have a responsibility to society. There is still a lot of good in the world, and you can be part of it by doing your small bit. Rising as a community is the only way we are going to be able to get ahead of the pandemic.