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Prerequisites to start a blog

Success needs hard work. Don’t listen to these ‘get rich quick’ schemes.


Blogging seems to be the buzzword today. People document various ideas on their personal and professional blogs. However, not all blogs are famous. Not all of them make money. If you want to use your blog as a platform to reach out to a lot of people and improve your brand awareness, you should exercise due care and have a clear idea of the same even before you start a blog. What makes a successful blog stand out from the rest? What are the prerequisites you should be aware of before starting a blog so that it plays an important role in your profitability? Read on to know more:

Crisp and clear content

When I started my business blog, I was worried about the lack of traffic. I had an attractive design and an idea, but I understood where I was going wrong. I couldn’t articulate my facts in the form of well-written content, which was why not many people weren’t interested in my blog. After researching the importance of content, I decided to take charge of my blog. Content is the king; there can be no two arguments about this.

Whatever you write about, you need to have a lot of passion and write well-researched content for the same. Check Google Adsense regularly to know about the updated keywords for the niche of your business and then write the content accordingly. Ensure that you also maintain the keyword density while writing the content so that your blog attracts a lot of visitors. That’s what I did, and I could see a phenomenal difference in the performance of my blog.

Ensure that you post content frequently if you want your visitors to become regular customers. People love to visit blogs that are updated on a regular basis with new and well-written content. If you are talking about your business, you can use your blog to update your prospective customers about the new features that you are launching and how they can benefit from it. Even before you start your blog, it is very important for you to have a structure in front of you. Write down on the topics that you intend to cover at least for the next couple of months so that your blog would never suffer because of a lack of quality content.

Marketing your blog

You should know how to market your blog even before you start one. What types of platforms do you intend to use to increase the visibility of your blog? How do you plan to promote it? You need to think on these lines before you start your blog. If you have an exciting blog with rich content and if there is nobody to see it, the entire purpose of blogging is defeated, isn’t it? You should make your blog as interesting and engaging as possible so that you can make more people read your content.

If you have accounts on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, promote your blog as much as you can on them. Ensure that you link your blog’s site on all relevant posts so that more people get to know about them. If you receive comments about your blog, you should be very quick in your responses. These comments may be related to suggestions, queries, feedback or any other issues related to your content. When you engage these people and respond to their comments, your reputation increases among your prospective customers and visitors. Ensure that you plan your marketing strategies and promotions in advance so that you are not caught unawares in this competitive blogging world.

Always focus on the target audience

As a blogger, it is essential for you to think from the viewpoint of a reader. You may have the best content and innovative ideas. However, if they don’t reach the target audiences, they are nothing but trash. Before you start your blog, you should tune your mind to always think from the readers’ point of view so that you can develop engaging and high-quality content. If you had to read your blog as an outsider, would you like the content presented before you? Are you satisfied with the quality of information and the language written on the blog? How can you make the blog better so that it becomes more readable and engaging? These are some of the points that you have to analyse before you publish your blog to the outside world

Unlearning and re-learning

I thought that I had a fair bit of knowledge of blogging until the lack of traffic during my initial days took me by surprise. I was shocked that my blogging knowledge didn’t help me when it mattered the most to my business. That’s when I started researching the internet about various successful blogging strategies. I learned my first lesson then! I understood that I had to unlearn whatever I thought I knew and start afresh. 

I enrolled in various blogging forums to know what others bloggers had to say. I understood a lot of about the blogging best practices that were followed by successful fellow bloggers. One of the big lessons that I learnt was to make ultimate use of technology and tools to boost the traffic and visibility of my blog. My only advice to budding bloggers would be to have an open mind so that can you take in new ideas when they are presented before you. Never say no to new thoughts, because these thoughts can bring in a very positive impact for your blog if implemented properly. Listening is an art, as experts would say. So, I would request you to keep your ears and mind open always so that you can incorporate the best ideas/practices of successful bloggers to your blog as well and achieve good results.

In a nutshell, I would like to reiterate that the first prerequisite to starting a blog is undying passion. You have to continue this passion consistently and update rich content on a regular basis so that you can develop a good connection with your target audience and achieve the results that you have aimed for.

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